Friday 16 April 2010


im so pissed off

my jackass husband takes sides with my mother and doesnt support or speak up for me. You would think of all people a husband would do that kind of thing

My asshole brother is just a fecking retard and gets away with everything. Im the only one who tells him off and i get all the fecking earache. By the way, he's 20.

i hate my fecking job but i need the money if i am to have any hope of scrapping enough money together to get a house so i can get away from here. And no, my husband won't help because why would he do something to benefit us? He has other priorities. I don't get a look in.

Oh, im so bloody happy. More joy coming soon.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

I went away

I came back

Should i quit my shite job and re-train as a teacher?
