Sunday 30 May 2010

Mmmmmmmmmm Chicken....MMMMMmmmmm BBQ Chicken!! Lovin' the weather!
Well, I was, last week!
Oh, what to do... I am looking for teaching assistant jobs. I just had a crappy day at shitty work. It sucks. So far beneath me...blleeerrrggghh
Off for a week next week - thank all that is Holy. Lake District here we come!

Saturday 15 May 2010

I need another plan

I did not get on to the teaching course at uni. Ach, damn it!

What to do now? Apart from blub. I need another way out...

I went to the park the other day, took 637 pictures. Thank God for digital!!! I would be bloody poor if I had to have them all developed!

I took a few of this little fella - he had a mate with him too - fast little buggers!!

More later

Tuesday 11 May 2010

How cute is this kid?
She is my mate's daughter and is 6 months old. A cuter baby you will have trouble finding!
I go round to their house when i need some happy. I'm telling you, they should bottle that stuff, 'cos it's brilliant.
By the way, how good is the picture? Taken by yours truly, I would say it's quite good!
All is well, so ignore the last post.

I have applied for a position at uni for teacher training. Here's hoping i get it.

On a positive note ( yes, i am aware that it may indeed be the first one on here ), We are going away for a short break - woo hoo! Lake District here we come. It's going to be great and i'm going to take about a zillion pictures.

You know, I don't like pizza and for some unknown reason ( greed? ) i just had a couple of slices and now i feel sooo sick - urrrgh pizza..

I'm trying to think of something witty to write, but I am at a loss.