Tuesday 18 January 2011

Belated Happy New Year!

But, in my defence my New Year's resolution wasn't to update this blog on a regular basis! In fact I didn't make any resolutions.

Big News - (How come I always forget the news?) INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PGCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WoooooooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup, I have an interview for the teaching course I applied for. So happy. It's in March after I come back off a long holiday (again). Baby steps, people, baby steps.

I made Espresso Cupcakes with my mate yesterday. Apparently they were amazing. I do not like coffee so wouldn't know! Next time, peanut butter cupcakes. Another which I won't like but my mate does so that's OK.

Oh, I applied for a thing which I'm not allowed to talk about but if it's successful you can bet your ass I'm gonna talk about it!

And I also made spicy chicken wings and roast potatoes last week. Orgasmic. Yes, really. That good. Mmmmmmmmmmm.

So, how've you been?