Tuesday 26 January 2010

Ah, sanctum....

Boy oh boy do people piss me off. Like the dumbass who moved and hid my bloody apron!
What was the point in that? Fools.

I somehow sprained my ankle and have to rest. It is really winding me up not being able to do anything even though i'm off work and 'free'. I'm alright from the ankle up but still can't go out or walk very much. GRrrr!

We are going away next week for 4 weeks and most of the packing is done but to finish it off I need to be a) paid and b) have the ability to move. Friday can't come soon enough!

The snow and ice have all melted away and all that remains are memories. And bruises!

Work continues to be the joyus environment that I have come to know and love (rolls eyes ). The answers to questions such as ' Can anyone be that stupid?', 'Do you actually have a brain?' and 'So when exactly did you decide to become a two faced lying bitch?' are becoming apparant as the days go by. Bunch of fecking wanking rat bastards.*

*there are some exceptions of course, but not many

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