Tuesday 23 November 2010

First day at a school today....

Well, so it starts. The escape plan is in full swing. Started at a secondary school today, and I have to say I am somewhat alarmed at the lack of knowledge of kids these days. It's just that they have this 'can't be arsed' attitude and no respect. Things have changed since I was at school!!

I'm enjoying it and although I was a little apprehensive/nervous/had fear of the unknown before I went, I felt none while I was there. I felt like I was supposed to be here all along. And, I think I felt those things because I thought I had to...but if I hadn't have thought of them, I wouldn't have thought I felt them.

That makes a little sense to me!!

On another note, Vanessa bloody Feltz is taking over a radio show that I love and I am not happy. I cannot stand that woman at the best of times and 5.30 am is not the best of times. I shall have to twiddle my dial!

Anyway....look what I made. It's a Chocolate Flake Fudge Torte. Get Me!! It was an order for someone's birthday. I made the chocolate lattices ( wrong spelling?) myself. I'm so proud!!!!!!

That's all for now....see ya!

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