Monday 28 December 2009

More glorious snow! This was the local park on Christmas Day. Winter wonderland indeed. I took about a bazillions pics because that's just the type of person i am but i will only upload a few to save room on the internet for others!
All the white stuff has just about melted but more is forecast. Great!
So it turns put that my husband didn't break his ass but he is still in a bit of pain. That will teach him to take the rubbish out! Take a leaf out of my book and just leave it to pile up.
While I have a love ( and talent ) for baking, I don't get to cook that often but tonight that changes. Having roasted a chicken last night (yum!) I am now making soup of the chicken variety as I type. First time for everything. If there are no futher posts you can assume that there is also a last time for everything aswell!
The end of another year appraoches and what have I done? Hmmm. That's a thinker.

Sunday 20 December 2009

Well it wasn't me who skidded today....

My husband decked it on the steps infront of the house last night as he went to put the rubbish out. Splat on his ass and whacked his back aswell. Damned black ice. So I stayed home today to look after him. He didn't want to go to A+E but since he has a doc's appointment tomorrow we will get him checked out then.

Family is an odd thing. We have cousins who are into drugs and all that, headed to jail soon for dealing but yet it's me and my brothers, who have kept well within the law and are good children, that are 'a shame on the family' and are worse than dogs. Go figure.

I have just looked outside and it's blanket white out there. And plenty more falling. I think I will be going to work tomorrow but I bet you twenty quid that it will be icy and I will slip and slide all the way to work. I am not looking forward to it.

Front door bell just rang - more later

Saturday 19 December 2009

Well, it's just gone 4pm here and i am thinking that if all this pesky snow doesn't melt soon, i am going to be skidding all the way to work tommorow morning. Thank God for ABS!

When i was scrapping the snow off my car it was minus fricking 4!! BBBRRrrrr! Well, i suppose that's why hats, scarves and gloves were invented!

I'm off to watch TV. If that fails, DVD here i come.
Welcome to the Blog about Whatever

This is just about whatever happens to come to mind - nothing heroic, philisophical or poetic. No life changing bites of wisdom to be found here. This is just exactly what it says on the tin. So when i'm bored and have nothing better to do and can't be arsed updating my olde worlde paper journal (not a diary!) i will be here blogging away.