Tuesday 10 August 2010

More on the Berghaus Chronicles


I waited for the next empty bus to roll up and when it did I went up and got on at the very back. I was happy to see the familiar car drive down the other side of the road but I thought he would get the next bus. I did see him walk up to the bus but didn't see him board or sit ( expert stalker dude that I am ) so imagine my utter amazement when he sat next to me!!!!!!! ( three seat at the back, empty seat between us).
I stayed cool, calm and did not laugh or do anything mad. It was very hard not to grin.
He smelled of 'just showered goodness' and my was it nice!
Clearly I couldn't stare at him so eyes front and centre. Of all the seats ( bus was not full ) in all the world....
And none of it was planned. He got off at the railway station and oh my did I laugh when I got into the shop. I hope I didn't smell.
I know all this is quite mad and possibly certifiable but I take my happiness where I get it, so piss off. After months of absence, there he is, sat on the bus, next to me!! Miracle I didn't ask where he'd been. That would have been certifiable. The morning never felt more wonderful and the day was a beautiful one.

Here's a thought: what if he sat where he did to screw with my head.

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