Tuesday 10 August 2010

The Berghaus Chronicles continued...


So, it has been three odd months since the last confirmed sighting of Mr Berghaus aka 'The Fit Bloke'. Theories abound about his sudden disappearance.
Some suggest that, since after Christmas he was looking smaller, thinner and almost gaunt, he may have succumbed to some terrible disease.
Others meanwhile, suggest a change of job or even a change of car, favoured parking space and different start times for work are to blame. Thrown into the mix is also the suggestion that he simply no longer uses the Park and Ride and chooses to go into town the other way now.
There has been no evidence to support any of these theories so the speculation continues.
Those in charge of the investigation into the disappearance of Mr Berghaus urge anyone with any information, no matter how unimportant it may seem, to come forward.
It is imperative that the fit bloke is found soon because Ronnie is getting bored!!!!!!!!!!!!


So, driving to the car park this morning - guess what I saw. A particular car with a particular license plate! Fit Bloke!! He has returned!!! Well, his car has - I didn't see him. Must have got the earlier bus. I was so happy, it was ridiculous! Imagine if I didn't see the car but saw him - I would have shouted 'Fit Bloke!' as I did in my car! How would I get out of that self-inflicted mess?!

I am going to be keeping an eye out for Mr Berghaus at lunch time and if it is only his car that I see today, that's fine - I'll come in early tomorrow.
Theories abound as to what happened in the last 6 months are, as ever abound. In addition to those mentioned in previous entries, there are more but it would be confirmation of the madness within to put them to paper. So I'm not going to.

Amazing how happy a number plate can make someone. Although he could have sold the car - but it was parked near the regular space ( stop this madness!!!!!!).


News just in:

' Visual confirmation - Positive ID On Fit Bloke'. At 8.20am odd this morning, our intrepid reporter - on a stakeout to confirm yesterday's report of the possible return of the fit bloke, established visual contact with said fit bloke.
World rejoice - he is alive, looking well and back! He got out of the car and made his way to the bus. It was a wonderful sight.
Lack of visual confirmation yesterday did worry the faithful but scenes of joy and celebration were to be seen inside our reporter's head.
Still no explanation re his absence over near on 6 months but such things are put to the side - it's like he was never away. Full bus prohibited the regular sit and stare and to avoid suspicion , our ever amazing reporter did as all detectives do in these situations - she got off the bus at an earlier stop. We will keep regular updates coming with news as soon as it reaches us.
To recap - Mr Berghaus aka The Fit Bloke has returned after a mysterious absence. He was seen this morning. This is not a drill, this is not a rumour or speculation. This is truth. He has returned.

End of broadcast.

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