Sunday 19 December 2010

It's been snowing again! But I have not been well so I haven't been out with a camera :-(

So, I have finished at one school and have a half day left at another school. It's been really interesting and I have learned loads. Mainly that kids don't know shit and are very badly behaved!

We are going away again in the new year for 5 weeks so it may be a bit quiet on the blogging front. Having said that, I'm not even sure anyone reads this so maybe there's no one out there to notice! If that is the case I'm just prattling on to myself. People have been locked up for less!

More? I have applied for a course to start next Sept but haven't heard anything back yet.

Another year is drawing to a close...makes one think. Hmmm.

I stayed in my PJs all day yesterday but am feeling better today so I may bake.

Pause for the biggest news, how could I forget?! I HAVE LEFT MY CRAPPY SHITTY JOB!!!!! BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

It was my last day on Friday just gone, fan bloody tastic!

Back to baking - my mates have asked me to try making peanut butter cupcakes and coffee cupcakes. Not something I like which is why I haven't made them yet but for them ( they are very good friends) I may experiment today.

What else? Hmmm. I don't know! Will have a think and no doubt be back. If not then then definitely to post pics of cupcakes.

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