Saturday 4 December 2010

Snow!!! It's been snowing here and I have been out with my camera. No suprise there then!

This first one is my cousin Sami having fun in the snow. Fascinating Fact : the slegde he is pulling is the same one I had when I was little. It has lasted well over 20 years!! They don't build 'em like they used to!!

Street scene next. This is not far from where I live.

My car. My poor car!!

A rose bush in our garden covered with icicles. Very dramatic. Not the dead rose dripping with icicles. Poetic.

The view from my bedroom window. I was hanging out the window by my feet!!!

I haven't had the chance to wonder down to the park and now with things begining to thaw I don't know that I will but if I do, trust that the pictures will be on here!
Stay warm :-)

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