Tuesday 10 August 2010

The Berghaus Chronicles


Funny thing.....So I went to bed a bit late - 10.30pm or something. I have no money so I thought extra 5 mins in bed, no rush. Slowly pull myself out of bed. Leave home about 7amish.
At Tesco around 8.10am. Thought was getting a sniffle, so having plenty of time, why not get paper and tissues etc now? And could post Xmas cards. So I do.

In the P+R carpark and see bus leaving - no fear, bendy ine right behind. Put kettle in toilet paper in bag and slowly meander to the bus. Bus full so stand near the front, near the driver.
The whole point of the above ramble is that there was no planning, motive, arranging, doing anything on purpose..... no purposeful time wasting.... all was unthought of spontenious and done 1/2 asleep.

So I'm stood there, at the front of the bus thinking of sleep, and who should be the next person on the bus? 'Return please'. I looked round and it was a blur. So the guy stands next to me and puts his bag next to my Tesco bag. I look up. Guess who?!!? It's the Berghaus Fit Man!! Stood next to me!! On the bus!! While i'm doing all I can not to grin or stare!!! It cracks me up.

I wait with baited breath during 'lunch hours' to catch a glimpse.... but nothing. I try on purpose to get a later bus - to to no avail. The mystery of which bus he gets on remains just that - a mystery.


Turns out today, namely this morning, brings more drivel..!

Was up a bit late, out of the house at 7am - got petrol and was on the M1 at 7.45am ish. 15 mins behind 'schedule'. Was just extra knackered i rekon. At Tesco for 8.05am. Saw a double decker at P+R and thought I don't want to go on that one, so to Tesco for a paper and breakfast. Parked up and the double decker was still there. Waited. It went so I got out. Bendy bus arrives and that's ok 'cos I don't mind them.
As I'm queueing, guess which particular car comes down the other side of the road?!
I go to the very back of the bus, my chosen seat. Wait. Stare out of the window. Wait.
"Return please"
Wanders up the bus and sits in front of me.
Music in my head - ' Abra abra abra cadabra, i wanna reach out and grab ya'
Grin. Madness. Freaky.More grinning.
Small white scar, a little right of middle on the back of his head.
Too much!!!! Should I find something else to pre-occupy my mind with in the mornings?
Down point - he reads the Metro paper that was lying on a seat.
I suppose we all have our flaws.


Just saw Mr Berghaus Fit Man - he was carrying a paper - so he doesn't just read the Metro. Thank God for that!!!


....1.07pm and all is ok. Mr Berghaus Man went by. Must have missed him on the way up, but nevermind, got him on the way back. ( I am aware of how pathetic this is ).
He looked gaunt. Skinny and gaunt. Maybe he was ill over xmas. Also had a new coat. New black wollen coat. Nice!


No Mr Berghaus for a least a week. Why? I have the following theroies:

1. He got fired/promoted so is no longer here/working same hours
2. His lovely wife just had their first child so he is o n paternity leave
3. He got a new car and parks in a different place
4. He no longer uses the Park and Ride for any of the above reasons/ he was a temp
5. I freaked him out
6. He's on holiday
7. He was never real in the first place, just a figment if my imagination.

The most worrying thing about it is that I thought about it long enough to come up with a 7 point list. Given more time and if I hadn't stopped myself, I'd have come up with more. Alien abduction anyone??!


...All week,and no sign of Mr Berghaus. Maybe a 2 week holiday in the south of France has kept him from getting the number three bus...Maybe I have too much spare time on my hands.

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