Sunday 8 May 2011

More bad news....

Another friend passed away. I no longer feel the urge to blog. I haven't even written in my journal for many many months.

Sadness weighs me down.

Thursday 17 March 2011

I have returned!

Why away so long? Well, I went to a far off land for a much needed break. No work, no problems, no internet.

Alas, I have to come back so here I am.

While away I received the worst little Doo Dah, my beautiful little Ding Dong passed away. Away from this world and on to heaven. 14 months was not long enough on this earth but away she went.... I posted a picture of her on this blog sometime last year. Here is a reminder of just how cute she was and what is now missing from my world...

Tuesday 18 January 2011

Belated Happy New Year!

But, in my defence my New Year's resolution wasn't to update this blog on a regular basis! In fact I didn't make any resolutions.

Big News - (How come I always forget the news?) INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PGCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WoooooooooooooooooHoooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup, I have an interview for the teaching course I applied for. So happy. It's in March after I come back off a long holiday (again). Baby steps, people, baby steps.

I made Espresso Cupcakes with my mate yesterday. Apparently they were amazing. I do not like coffee so wouldn't know! Next time, peanut butter cupcakes. Another which I won't like but my mate does so that's OK.

Oh, I applied for a thing which I'm not allowed to talk about but if it's successful you can bet your ass I'm gonna talk about it!

And I also made spicy chicken wings and roast potatoes last week. Orgasmic. Yes, really. That good. Mmmmmmmmmmm.

So, how've you been?

Wednesday 29 December 2010

Things I bought today:

red and black stripped fingerless gloves
3 x wall clocks
one wrist watch
bathroom shelves
thermal pjs (not for me)
spirit level
ice cream (for me!)
2 x batons

How exciting is my life?!!

Revelation - I love David Tennant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday 19 December 2010

I have just realised it is a year today that I started this blog. And looking back some posts are a bit well not exactly full of joy! Let me assure you that stuff is only 'at that particular moment temporary grrr' and means mostly nothing. It's all smiles here baby!!!!!!!!!!
It's been snowing again! But I have not been well so I haven't been out with a camera :-(

So, I have finished at one school and have a half day left at another school. It's been really interesting and I have learned loads. Mainly that kids don't know shit and are very badly behaved!

We are going away again in the new year for 5 weeks so it may be a bit quiet on the blogging front. Having said that, I'm not even sure anyone reads this so maybe there's no one out there to notice! If that is the case I'm just prattling on to myself. People have been locked up for less!

More? I have applied for a course to start next Sept but haven't heard anything back yet.

Another year is drawing to a close...makes one think. Hmmm.

I stayed in my PJs all day yesterday but am feeling better today so I may bake.

Pause for the biggest news, how could I forget?! I HAVE LEFT MY CRAPPY SHITTY JOB!!!!! BRILLIANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

It was my last day on Friday just gone, fan bloody tastic!

Back to baking - my mates have asked me to try making peanut butter cupcakes and coffee cupcakes. Not something I like which is why I haven't made them yet but for them ( they are very good friends) I may experiment today.

What else? Hmmm. I don't know! Will have a think and no doubt be back. If not then then definitely to post pics of cupcakes.

Saturday 4 December 2010

Snow!!! It's been snowing here and I have been out with my camera. No suprise there then!

This first one is my cousin Sami having fun in the snow. Fascinating Fact : the slegde he is pulling is the same one I had when I was little. It has lasted well over 20 years!! They don't build 'em like they used to!!

Street scene next. This is not far from where I live.

My car. My poor car!!

A rose bush in our garden covered with icicles. Very dramatic. Not the dead rose dripping with icicles. Poetic.

The view from my bedroom window. I was hanging out the window by my feet!!!

I haven't had the chance to wonder down to the park and now with things begining to thaw I don't know that I will but if I do, trust that the pictures will be on here!
Stay warm :-)

Monday 29 November 2010

Look what I made!! These were for a friend's mate's son's first birthday party. What do ya think? Good huh? Not bad for little old me!

Ok, these are Strawberry Swirl Cupcakes with lush Strawberry Buttercream and a fresh Strawberry on top. Yummy!

Here we have lovely Chocolate Cupcakes with dreamy Chocolate Buttercream on top decorated with white chocolate stars and a milk chocolate star drizzled with white chocolate popped on top. MMMMMmmmmm!!!

Next we have a classic - Lemon Cupcakes with a Zingly Lemon Icing decorated with jelly lemons. Refreshing!

Last but by no means least we have Vanilla Cupcakes with a blue and white striped Vanilla Buttercream decorated with sugar balls.
The words you are looking for are ' Ronnie is a Genius'!!!!!

Tuesday 23 November 2010

First day at a school today....

Well, so it starts. The escape plan is in full swing. Started at a secondary school today, and I have to say I am somewhat alarmed at the lack of knowledge of kids these days. It's just that they have this 'can't be arsed' attitude and no respect. Things have changed since I was at school!!

I'm enjoying it and although I was a little apprehensive/nervous/had fear of the unknown before I went, I felt none while I was there. I felt like I was supposed to be here all along. And, I think I felt those things because I thought I had to...but if I hadn't have thought of them, I wouldn't have thought I felt them.

That makes a little sense to me!!

On another note, Vanessa bloody Feltz is taking over a radio show that I love and I am not happy. I cannot stand that woman at the best of times and 5.30 am is not the best of times. I shall have to twiddle my dial!

Anyway....look what I made. It's a Chocolate Flake Fudge Torte. Get Me!! It was an order for someone's birthday. I made the chocolate lattices ( wrong spelling?) myself. I'm so proud!!!!!!

That's all for now....see ya!

Sunday 21 November 2010

I handed in my notice today. Best thing I have ever done. Big smiles all round.

My escape plan is not only forming but in action!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday 28 October 2010

It's been a while since i blogged anything so here I am!

A slight pause from the Berghaus Chronicles.

I am getting further with my escape plan - CRB has been submitted. Just got to wait. Hopefully before Xmas I will be outta there - I can't wait!

I have got a new phone - a Crackberry! And I love it!!

Got to go!!

Thursday 30 September 2010

As promised, here are more extracts from The Berghaus Chronicles...


Here is the definitive guide to how to react when a fit bloke returns from a long absence. Unexpectedly. (With a handy time scale thing)

Day 1 - Spot the car. Stay calm

Day 2 – Stakeout for visual ID. ID confirmation, get on bus. Get off bus at first opportunity to avoid suspicion

Day 3 - Go about business as usual. Chance visual during mid-afternoon. If lucky this will come back positive. ( I did and it did!)

Weekend Break ( Day 4 and 5 ) Return to reality

Day 6 - See car, get on bus. No waiting around. If you’re lucky, visual on the bus, but don’t push it. If lucky ( as I was ) then proceed with ‘off a stop later/earlier’ tactic to avoid suspicion

Day 7 - If, by chance, and so not on purpose, Fit Bloke happens to be getting on the same bus as you back to the car park, walk to the car, get in and go. Don’t hang around. If you end up giving him way to get out, so be it. If you find your self behind him on the A road home, overtake before his suspected exit. Go home. Smile

Day 8 - Visual on car but wait for the next bus. Do not seek visual today

Day 9 – Do not seek visual. Get on bus. Due to lack of visual on car, get on bus and proceed to usual seat and sit. Sleep if you need it. If, as you look up, the Fit Bloke has got on the bus and then sat down next to you, stay calm. Be cool. Do not stare!

In case it wasn’t already obvious, I have a lot of time on my hands.


To pass the time, and because I’m bored, here are my thoughts on the return of the Fit Bloke:

I am almost sure when he was around before, he had a bus pass card. Now he buys return tickets. Why not get a card? Is it because he’s not gonna be around long enough to make it worthwhile? Not even a weekly one? Hmmm. I have a funny feeling he may not be present on Monday.


My theory may have been right. Got on the buss at 8.30am today but alas, there was no Fit Bloke. He could have got a late bus today, or have a day off, or use a another car park this week due to a major event in town or his return may have only been for a week and a half. But I ask you, who comes back to work for a week and half??!!


This is day 4 of F.B.V.I.D absence. It’s bad that I abbreviated it. Isn’t it?


To start with ‘Day 5 of Mr Berghaus’s absence’ would make me sound obsessed and a little wired. So I’m not going to mention it. Yet.


Some other stuff is not working out so well, but no matter ‘cos it turns out I’m a genius!! No one come back for a week and half! They take a week off due to the major event, just like everyone else!! An then come back on Monday – like everyone else! And look as good as ever! Praise be to my addiction!!
(This madness has to stop. I’ve brought Latin for Beginners to combat the crazy)


Ego ne unum quidem verbum intellego

- I don’t understand a single word –

I’m learning! Now, how to say Fit Bloke was early today, but I still saw him….hmmmmm!


Regarding Berghaus? On the 8.20am odd (late for me). He got in and got on. I followed, like the sheep I am. Anyway, crazy Berghaus Obsessed (too strong?) me kind of disappeared and I was feeling almost normal and I went and sat at the back. In front of him. He had taken my seat. How inconsiderate!


Here’s something that will prove I’m not crazy. Obviously its re: Mr Berghaus.

I was late out today, and needed to get milk etc. As I drove past, I saw that at 8.17am I wasn’t the only one who was late.

No matter. I didn’t really want to be on the same bus today so I went and got milk and parked up. He still wasn’t there but it was around 8.32am so I had to go. Queued for the bus and went and sat at the back. Guess who gets on and while there where still empty seats at the back, sits at the very back with me? Yes, a Fit Bloke sporting some groovy shades. And here’s the thing. I was normal about it! No grinning, no inward yelping, no jumping around in my head – nothing. Just normal. Thing is, I should be all ‘can you believe it?!’ and analysing why he didn’t take one of the empty seats but I’m not. Even now, thinking about it, I’m like, big deal. There’s no thrill.

I am knackered and have a billion things eating at my tiny brain – maybe that’s it. Maybe it’s because I’m still asleep. Who knows?! What I do know is that proper obsessives don’t have ‘normal’ phases so that just makes me a bit weird and with too much time on my hands at times. Maybe when I have some energy I will get all giddy, but I don’t see it happening.


It’s piss pouring rain! But it’s alright ‘cos this morning made it so!

I was very late – at the car park around 8.45am. Lots of traffic on the way in. Anyway, I looked round – shocker, no Mr Berghaus – although on the way in, I thought I saw his head at the back of the bus that I’d just missed. Confusion! Where!? Why? Gone forever?

Then as I wandered up to the bus, I saw his car peeking out from behind a bush. I’m guessing someone had parked in his space when he’d got there. Otherwise, he may be on to me and may have decided to make it harder for me to stare… I don’t know, I’m distracted by the rain!
I’m glad to see that he hasn’t disappeared.

And here’s the thing that proves my sanity (!):
If I was a complete maniac with an obsession, there’s no way I would have been in traffic – weirdos are consistent!! I don’t plan my day around the chance to see Mr Berghaus….obsessives do. So I’m just a little odd – but that has been the case since well before I started using this particular bus service!

Monday 27 September 2010

More from the Berghaus Chronicles soon...

Friday 17 September 2010

Now, we churn this baby up!

Scoop out into a container, ripple the raspberry sauce through then place in freezer over night. And here is the result :-

Not bad eh? I think for a third attempt at ice cream for the first time ( it makes sense ) it's pretty damn good. And it tasted great. Bonus!
Hmmm, what to make/bake next.....stay tuned folks!
And so to my blog, all other avenues exhauseted. So, what happened with the ice cream? Well, have a look!

Let's start with the easy bit - raspberry sauce. Looks good bubbling away huh?

Then, the ice cream mixture - complete with vanilla pod scrappings. Get me!!

Monday 6 September 2010

A break from the Berghaus Chronicles....

So I just attempted to make ice cream for the first time. Some how my raspberry ripple ice cream has turned green! How, I don't know but there it sits in the freezer - green! The raspberry ripple bit was perfect but boy did i cock up the other bit. I'm going to give it another go tomorrow. Hopefully it will be ok.

What else? Oh, I went for a job and almost got it. So close but so bloody far.

I'm knakered, bed time methinks.

Tuesday 10 August 2010

More on the Berghaus Chronicles


I waited for the next empty bus to roll up and when it did I went up and got on at the very back. I was happy to see the familiar car drive down the other side of the road but I thought he would get the next bus. I did see him walk up to the bus but didn't see him board or sit ( expert stalker dude that I am ) so imagine my utter amazement when he sat next to me!!!!!!! ( three seat at the back, empty seat between us).
I stayed cool, calm and did not laugh or do anything mad. It was very hard not to grin.
He smelled of 'just showered goodness' and my was it nice!
Clearly I couldn't stare at him so eyes front and centre. Of all the seats ( bus was not full ) in all the world....
And none of it was planned. He got off at the railway station and oh my did I laugh when I got into the shop. I hope I didn't smell.
I know all this is quite mad and possibly certifiable but I take my happiness where I get it, so piss off. After months of absence, there he is, sat on the bus, next to me!! Miracle I didn't ask where he'd been. That would have been certifiable. The morning never felt more wonderful and the day was a beautiful one.

Here's a thought: what if he sat where he did to screw with my head.
The Berghaus Chronicles continued...


So, it has been three odd months since the last confirmed sighting of Mr Berghaus aka 'The Fit Bloke'. Theories abound about his sudden disappearance.
Some suggest that, since after Christmas he was looking smaller, thinner and almost gaunt, he may have succumbed to some terrible disease.
Others meanwhile, suggest a change of job or even a change of car, favoured parking space and different start times for work are to blame. Thrown into the mix is also the suggestion that he simply no longer uses the Park and Ride and chooses to go into town the other way now.
There has been no evidence to support any of these theories so the speculation continues.
Those in charge of the investigation into the disappearance of Mr Berghaus urge anyone with any information, no matter how unimportant it may seem, to come forward.
It is imperative that the fit bloke is found soon because Ronnie is getting bored!!!!!!!!!!!!


So, driving to the car park this morning - guess what I saw. A particular car with a particular license plate! Fit Bloke!! He has returned!!! Well, his car has - I didn't see him. Must have got the earlier bus. I was so happy, it was ridiculous! Imagine if I didn't see the car but saw him - I would have shouted 'Fit Bloke!' as I did in my car! How would I get out of that self-inflicted mess?!

I am going to be keeping an eye out for Mr Berghaus at lunch time and if it is only his car that I see today, that's fine - I'll come in early tomorrow.
Theories abound as to what happened in the last 6 months are, as ever abound. In addition to those mentioned in previous entries, there are more but it would be confirmation of the madness within to put them to paper. So I'm not going to.

Amazing how happy a number plate can make someone. Although he could have sold the car - but it was parked near the regular space ( stop this madness!!!!!!).


News just in:

' Visual confirmation - Positive ID On Fit Bloke'. At 8.20am odd this morning, our intrepid reporter - on a stakeout to confirm yesterday's report of the possible return of the fit bloke, established visual contact with said fit bloke.
World rejoice - he is alive, looking well and back! He got out of the car and made his way to the bus. It was a wonderful sight.
Lack of visual confirmation yesterday did worry the faithful but scenes of joy and celebration were to be seen inside our reporter's head.
Still no explanation re his absence over near on 6 months but such things are put to the side - it's like he was never away. Full bus prohibited the regular sit and stare and to avoid suspicion , our ever amazing reporter did as all detectives do in these situations - she got off the bus at an earlier stop. We will keep regular updates coming with news as soon as it reaches us.
To recap - Mr Berghaus aka The Fit Bloke has returned after a mysterious absence. He was seen this morning. This is not a drill, this is not a rumour or speculation. This is truth. He has returned.

End of broadcast.
The Berghaus Chronicles


Funny thing.....So I went to bed a bit late - 10.30pm or something. I have no money so I thought extra 5 mins in bed, no rush. Slowly pull myself out of bed. Leave home about 7amish.
At Tesco around 8.10am. Thought was getting a sniffle, so having plenty of time, why not get paper and tissues etc now? And could post Xmas cards. So I do.

In the P+R carpark and see bus leaving - no fear, bendy ine right behind. Put kettle in toilet paper in bag and slowly meander to the bus. Bus full so stand near the front, near the driver.
The whole point of the above ramble is that there was no planning, motive, arranging, doing anything on purpose..... no purposeful time wasting.... all was unthought of spontenious and done 1/2 asleep.

So I'm stood there, at the front of the bus thinking of sleep, and who should be the next person on the bus? 'Return please'. I looked round and it was a blur. So the guy stands next to me and puts his bag next to my Tesco bag. I look up. Guess who?!!? It's the Berghaus Fit Man!! Stood next to me!! On the bus!! While i'm doing all I can not to grin or stare!!! It cracks me up.

I wait with baited breath during 'lunch hours' to catch a glimpse.... but nothing. I try on purpose to get a later bus - to to no avail. The mystery of which bus he gets on remains just that - a mystery.


Turns out today, namely this morning, brings more drivel..!

Was up a bit late, out of the house at 7am - got petrol and was on the M1 at 7.45am ish. 15 mins behind 'schedule'. Was just extra knackered i rekon. At Tesco for 8.05am. Saw a double decker at P+R and thought I don't want to go on that one, so to Tesco for a paper and breakfast. Parked up and the double decker was still there. Waited. It went so I got out. Bendy bus arrives and that's ok 'cos I don't mind them.
As I'm queueing, guess which particular car comes down the other side of the road?!
I go to the very back of the bus, my chosen seat. Wait. Stare out of the window. Wait.
"Return please"
Wanders up the bus and sits in front of me.
Music in my head - ' Abra abra abra cadabra, i wanna reach out and grab ya'
Grin. Madness. Freaky.More grinning.
Small white scar, a little right of middle on the back of his head.
Too much!!!! Should I find something else to pre-occupy my mind with in the mornings?
Down point - he reads the Metro paper that was lying on a seat.
I suppose we all have our flaws.


Just saw Mr Berghaus Fit Man - he was carrying a paper - so he doesn't just read the Metro. Thank God for that!!!


....1.07pm and all is ok. Mr Berghaus Man went by. Must have missed him on the way up, but nevermind, got him on the way back. ( I am aware of how pathetic this is ).
He looked gaunt. Skinny and gaunt. Maybe he was ill over xmas. Also had a new coat. New black wollen coat. Nice!


No Mr Berghaus for a least a week. Why? I have the following theroies:

1. He got fired/promoted so is no longer here/working same hours
2. His lovely wife just had their first child so he is o n paternity leave
3. He got a new car and parks in a different place
4. He no longer uses the Park and Ride for any of the above reasons/ he was a temp
5. I freaked him out
6. He's on holiday
7. He was never real in the first place, just a figment if my imagination.

The most worrying thing about it is that I thought about it long enough to come up with a 7 point list. Given more time and if I hadn't stopped myself, I'd have come up with more. Alien abduction anyone??!


...All week,and no sign of Mr Berghaus. Maybe a 2 week holiday in the south of France has kept him from getting the number three bus...Maybe I have too much spare time on my hands.
Ok, as per request, here are some excerps from my olde worlde paper journal. I'm not going to explain anything, just give you it as it is ( or was ).


Elation to deflation in 3 easy steps.

1. Become elated

2. ?!?!?!?

3. Deflation ensues.


...The thing that occured to me was that given my awful memory, by the time I have grandkids I won't remember I was going to tell them! So, I think I should jot down what I can remember now, while my grey matter is still in some sort of working order. Note: this will not be a complete list. Young as I am, I have already started losing my mind - including some memory. Here goes:

*Going the wrong way up a one way street in Cardiff before a Bryan Adams concert in March 2002. Executing a three point turn and then nearly getting bashed by a car on a right turn back to the hotel. Georgia ( names have been changed ) was on the phone - the person she was talking to thought she was pissed. She wasn't!

*Dropping my accent like a lead balloon - Betty's Tearooms, York 2002/03, or so says Georgia. I deny everything, although 'we travel the country' may have been an exaggeration.

*Various auditions in hotels in Leeds for numerous positions in the lesuire, entertainment and retail industries. Juggling? Singing in front of a panel of 3?? YES!!! It's all true, although most of what we said we could do was of course bullshit.

*Accosting a policeman in NYC who then had to tell a patrol car that ' I'm ok, there's no problem here'!!

*All nighter (almost) in a Manchester pub in NYC singing all the way.

*Shouting "Rash? what rash? Oh, that rash. Well, thanks for the cream you kent me. It worked a treat!!" In Waterstones and numerous other establishments in Leeds. To our credit, we weren't thrown out of any of them.

*Santa hat, pointy, tinsel, Harvey Nics, Leeds. When I was meandering through college days.

* Covering the 5th Form toilets in silly string. Last day of school. Plus various food/rubber/books etc fights.

* Polishing various skills of the detective kind through school and uni. NOT stalking. Honest.

* Getting lost on the way back from Wales - took the scenic route on purpose of course.

* Wrong turn from Bristol on the way back to Swindon. Ended up near the bridge in Wales!!Oops!

* London Maida Vale 4 star Hotel, having a meal then walking out without paying. A hand on Gerogia's shoulder as we were about to go through the doors. August 2003.

* Saw Busted at WHS

* Meet Richard Branson, he signed my book

* Being on BBC Radio Wiltshire

*Cardiff cinema. Nachos. Fight. Mess

* Shipwrecked/Big Bro audtion tape of Georgia. Directed and filmed by me!!

* "Where's the Empire State Building?" "That would be the one you just walked past!"

There's lots more. Will add them as I remember them. I miss the good times, I miss the great memories. Exactly how did it all go pear shaped?......


Here is a list of what I want to be when I grow up:
( in no particular order )

*Radio presenter - late night books and films reviewer
*Oranges and lemons orchid owner/grower
*Restaurant owner
*Interior designer
*Teacher - then headmaster
*Property Developer
*Chocolate shop/factory owner - a la Willy Wonker
*Ice cream maker

I think that's it. About 7/8 of them are serious ones.

OK, that's the more normal stuff. What comes next, I blame someone else for!!

Monday 9 August 2010

Im at my mate's house, taking pics of her cutie pie kid

Saturday 7 August 2010

So I have just got up more or less and do you know what i have to do today? Big fat nothing.
I didn't sleep well last night, woke up with a crick neck. Watched two episodes of The West Wing ( or Best Damn Programme Ever Made ), took a shower, watched another episode then went and had breakfast. Now I'm back watching the Wing. I'm a Wing nut. I'm Winging it. I'm an addict. That's my day. I have nothing planned, have nowhere to go and no one to meet. It's brilliant!
But, I have to say, in a very quiet voice, I may be a little bored already. Shhhh.

I may bake later, I may go out to see my cutie pie cousin. More than likely I'll just Wing it!

Sunday 25 July 2010

More pics from Paris. J'adore Paris!!!

I went to Paris!!!!!!

It was brilliant!!!!!!!!!

I took 1722 pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday 2 July 2010

More jobs applied for....not heard anything yet....

Saturday 26 June 2010

I'm going to Paris!!!

I just ordered a SUPERKINGSIZE bed!!!!

WWWhhhoooo hooooo!!!!!

Monday 21 June 2010

We went 7th June for a few days, and I tell you it was like I was away for a month. No crappy work. Brilliant.

Speaking of which, I have applied for 5 jobs in the last few days. I hope I get one. It makes me think that while I maybe having a shite day in that hole, I am actively doing something to get out of there. Smiles.

It's 7pm on the longest day. It's been a lovely sunny day. More smiles.

More later - Stay happy :-)

Drive through the mountains and end up here - well worth it. Looking out over Wastwater from Wastdale Head Road. Weather may not have been perfect, but my oh my, what a view. Fantastic.

After negotiating Hardknott Pass through the mountains, this is the view down into Eskdale. Well worth the crap-your-pants drive there!!

This is on the way to the Langdale pikes - you can see them in the background. Even more impressive close up.

We went to the Lake District for a few days. Never been before. Took my camera. Amazing. This is on Lake Windemere. We took a cruise down from Ambleside. It was lovely.

Sunday 30 May 2010

Mmmmmmmmmm Chicken....MMMMMmmmmm BBQ Chicken!! Lovin' the weather!
Well, I was, last week!
Oh, what to do... I am looking for teaching assistant jobs. I just had a crappy day at shitty work. It sucks. So far beneath me...blleeerrrggghh
Off for a week next week - thank all that is Holy. Lake District here we come!

Saturday 15 May 2010

I need another plan

I did not get on to the teaching course at uni. Ach, damn it!

What to do now? Apart from blub. I need another way out...

I went to the park the other day, took 637 pictures. Thank God for digital!!! I would be bloody poor if I had to have them all developed!

I took a few of this little fella - he had a mate with him too - fast little buggers!!

More later

Tuesday 11 May 2010

How cute is this kid?
She is my mate's daughter and is 6 months old. A cuter baby you will have trouble finding!
I go round to their house when i need some happy. I'm telling you, they should bottle that stuff, 'cos it's brilliant.
By the way, how good is the picture? Taken by yours truly, I would say it's quite good!
All is well, so ignore the last post.

I have applied for a position at uni for teacher training. Here's hoping i get it.

On a positive note ( yes, i am aware that it may indeed be the first one on here ), We are going away for a short break - woo hoo! Lake District here we come. It's going to be great and i'm going to take about a zillion pictures.

You know, I don't like pizza and for some unknown reason ( greed? ) i just had a couple of slices and now i feel sooo sick - urrrgh pizza..

I'm trying to think of something witty to write, but I am at a loss.

Friday 16 April 2010


im so pissed off

my jackass husband takes sides with my mother and doesnt support or speak up for me. You would think of all people a husband would do that kind of thing

My asshole brother is just a fecking retard and gets away with everything. Im the only one who tells him off and i get all the fecking earache. By the way, he's 20.

i hate my fecking job but i need the money if i am to have any hope of scrapping enough money together to get a house so i can get away from here. And no, my husband won't help because why would he do something to benefit us? He has other priorities. I don't get a look in.

Oh, im so bloody happy. More joy coming soon.

Wednesday 7 April 2010

I went away

I came back

Should i quit my shite job and re-train as a teacher?


Tuesday 26 January 2010

Just read through some posts - it does seem that I am quite angry most of the time. Im not! I'm really a happy go lucky type of person. Promise!
Ah, sanctum....

Boy oh boy do people piss me off. Like the dumbass who moved and hid my bloody apron!
What was the point in that? Fools.

I somehow sprained my ankle and have to rest. It is really winding me up not being able to do anything even though i'm off work and 'free'. I'm alright from the ankle up but still can't go out or walk very much. GRrrr!

We are going away next week for 4 weeks and most of the packing is done but to finish it off I need to be a) paid and b) have the ability to move. Friday can't come soon enough!

The snow and ice have all melted away and all that remains are memories. And bruises!

Work continues to be the joyus environment that I have come to know and love (rolls eyes ). The answers to questions such as ' Can anyone be that stupid?', 'Do you actually have a brain?' and 'So when exactly did you decide to become a two faced lying bitch?' are becoming apparant as the days go by. Bunch of fecking wanking rat bastards.*

*there are some exceptions of course, but not many

Friday 8 January 2010

More snow, glorious snow! It's a shame I have to work otherwise I would be in the park taking a crap load of pictures of the wonderful winter wonderland.
So 2009.... Finished my Xmas 2008/9 job at the cult of BHS and didn't get another job while bloody August. Fecking recession. And now although I have a job, it is so far beneath me I can barely see the surface. And yes I know exactly how that makes me sound but better to know thy self than to bullshit thy self.
It's just that you get to a point in life and look around and there you are, all the way down there among the bloody fish and everyone else is on the fecking promenade eating ice cream. Crock of shite!!
2009...bloody vintage.
And so 2010. What will it hold? Apart from a crap load of snow! And a fecking sinus infection that has me bleeding out of one nostril. I hope for a better job. I hope for a house and I hope for a secret that will stay with me for a bit.

Monday 28 December 2009

More glorious snow! This was the local park on Christmas Day. Winter wonderland indeed. I took about a bazillions pics because that's just the type of person i am but i will only upload a few to save room on the internet for others!
All the white stuff has just about melted but more is forecast. Great!
So it turns put that my husband didn't break his ass but he is still in a bit of pain. That will teach him to take the rubbish out! Take a leaf out of my book and just leave it to pile up.
While I have a love ( and talent ) for baking, I don't get to cook that often but tonight that changes. Having roasted a chicken last night (yum!) I am now making soup of the chicken variety as I type. First time for everything. If there are no futher posts you can assume that there is also a last time for everything aswell!
The end of another year appraoches and what have I done? Hmmm. That's a thinker.

Sunday 20 December 2009

Well it wasn't me who skidded today....

My husband decked it on the steps infront of the house last night as he went to put the rubbish out. Splat on his ass and whacked his back aswell. Damned black ice. So I stayed home today to look after him. He didn't want to go to A+E but since he has a doc's appointment tomorrow we will get him checked out then.

Family is an odd thing. We have cousins who are into drugs and all that, headed to jail soon for dealing but yet it's me and my brothers, who have kept well within the law and are good children, that are 'a shame on the family' and are worse than dogs. Go figure.

I have just looked outside and it's blanket white out there. And plenty more falling. I think I will be going to work tomorrow but I bet you twenty quid that it will be icy and I will slip and slide all the way to work. I am not looking forward to it.

Front door bell just rang - more later

Saturday 19 December 2009

Well, it's just gone 4pm here and i am thinking that if all this pesky snow doesn't melt soon, i am going to be skidding all the way to work tommorow morning. Thank God for ABS!

When i was scrapping the snow off my car it was minus fricking 4!! BBBRRrrrr! Well, i suppose that's why hats, scarves and gloves were invented!

I'm off to watch TV. If that fails, DVD here i come.
Welcome to the Blog about Whatever

This is just about whatever happens to come to mind - nothing heroic, philisophical or poetic. No life changing bites of wisdom to be found here. This is just exactly what it says on the tin. So when i'm bored and have nothing better to do and can't be arsed updating my olde worlde paper journal (not a diary!) i will be here blogging away.